May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

In these very troubled days, the best thing we can use as a covering is the assurance of peace. Jesus tells us that He has left us with His peace –and not the worldly standard of peace, not the type of peace people of the world have, but His type of peace, the heavenly type. Therefore, there is a clear distinction between peace, as the world has it, and peace, as Jesus gives. (Jn. 14:27)

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
John 14:27 NKJV

Worldly peace comes from things. A person would tell you they have peace because of their wealth and financial prowess. They would say all is well even when the price of things is going up because they can still afford it. But what happens when their money is not enough?
Because these material things are exhaustible, peace derived from them is short-lived. Sooner or later, the person begins to feel troubled again because that thing that once brought him peace is now dwindling. Such peace is fickle and cannot be classified as genuine. 

If your peace is dependent on a mortal, then you’re in for a lot of troubled days. Human beings are unpredictable, they change, they die and scripture describes the heart of man as desperately wicked (Jer. 17:9). In the worldly description of peace, it can come from a brother, friend, or parent. But what happens when that person switches up on you? What happens when they stop being your peace? Such peace is unpredictable and unstable. 

To get worldly peace, it would require worldly means. Isn’t it ironic how sometimes, countries go to war for the sake of peace? Many times, the goal is never achieved. All that is left is a war-torn nation and even more unrest. Some people, in a quest for peace, kill off their enemies.
When David was being chased by Saul, it was a troubling time for him. He happened to be in a position where could have easily killed Saul and regained his “peace”. But he knew that sinning against God would only make his already troubled state worse (1 Sam. 24). This sort of peace is a knock-off –fake. 

Peace, as the world gives is temporary and dependent on a lot of unstable factors. This type of peace is fickle, unpredictable, and a hoax. Jesus said He is not giving us such peace. He said He is giving us His own type of peace, the type that comes from above.

Jesus gives a rare kind of peace. His everlasting and unchanging. His peace is more palpable than material things –better lasting. We can be sure of this because the person who gives it neither sleeps nor slumbers, let alone dies (Psa. 121:4). It is okay if our peace is totally dependent on Jesus because we know He will never change. He remains the same from generation to generation. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

Primarily, Jesus gives peace to our souls. With Him, there’s assurance for our souls. The world gives no assurance of eternity but Jesus does. It’s easier to remain at peace knowing that come what may, our souls are preserved in Christ and we are heaven-bound. (Jn. 14:1-4)

The peace that Jesus gives is not circumstantial. It is irrespective of the situation. It is a type of peace that remains whether or not the situation is favorable or not. Literally, peace that cannot be explained –it surpasses all understanding. Furthermore, it shields our hearts from fear and anxiety and all those other things that may trouble us. Where worldly peace is displaced by fear, Christly peace guards against fear. (Php. 4:7) 

This was the kind of peace that the apostles had, such that they couldn’t care less about the persecution. This peace doesn’t mean that there won’t be a storm. It only means that the storm won’t wreck your ship. It means that your mind would be at rest even during the storm.

The times may be a cause for alarm but when we remember that Jesus is not just our source of peace but also peace in itself, we will be able to remain afloat in those storms. Who else could know about peace better than the Prince of Peace Himself? Who can boast of having peace than the one who sleeps through a storm? (Mk. 4:38-40; Isa. 9:6)

What we express is often a result of what lies in our hearts. If you harbor fear and worry, you will express this. But if you have peace, even in the most troubling situations, you will remain at peace. It’s why Jesus could sleep through a storm, He is the prince of peace. He has peace. 

The peace of the world differs greatly from the peace of Jesus Christ. And of course the only way to have the peace that Jesus gives is to have Jesus Himself. Only He gives genuine, deep peace. His peace is like a never-drying, ever-flowing river. You too can have that river flow in you.

Say this prayer: Dear Jesus, I thank you for your sacrifice of love for me. I accept you today into my life as my Lord. Today I receive your peace and become an ambassador of your peace as well. Amen.

General prayer: Lord I ask that you please increase your peace in my heart in Jesus name. Amen. 

One response to “Peace, as Christ Gives”

  1.  Avatar

    Great article…thank you for this piece.
    Yes the peace of God is the only peace that passeth all understanding

    Liked by 2 people

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